Echappées Belles

The French public TV channel France 5 broadcast on Saturday 10 December the previous report on the preparations and organization of our Moors and Christians in the program Echappées Fine, whose images were recorded between Thursday 25 and Friday 26 August in our city, giving special attention to the actions of the Entrance Band Tickets and Moors and Christians. It is a space of 90-minute weekly broadcast on this channel…


50th anniversary Saudites

On Saturday 19 November 2016 Comparsa Saudites Ontinyent, presented the logo of the 50th anniversary of the troupe. This event will begin the celebrations planned to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Comparsa. The logo was elected to the 50th anniversary of the Commission’s own troupe and is designed for the Saudita FERRERO LAURA towers, Engineering Degree in Industrial Design and Product Development with specialization in Design and Product Development…


Proclamation composer music festivals

On Friday 11 November, the Board of Governors of the Society of the Festive Holy Christ of Agony will unanimously approved the appointment of Victor Gil Calabuig as a composer of music for the Proclamation of the Moors and Christians 2017. Victor Gil,  Superior graduated in the specialty of piano Conservatory graduate of Castellón and professional trombone Conservatory Ontinyent. He has participated in courses in conducting and composition, such as…


General Assembly

Hereby convenes the Annual General Assembly on 27 November 2016 in the Auditorium of the Society festive at 11.00. on first call and 11.30. and second with the following agenda: 1- Reading and approval, if applicable, of the minutes of the previous session. 2. Report of the President. 3- Dacia accounts for 2015-2016 and approval, if applicable. 4- Approval, if appropriate, the budget for the financial year 2016-2017. 5. Questions…



Saturday 5 November. the Hall of Society festive filled to overflowing, took place the presentation of logos allegorical accompany the groups charge during this exciting year awaits them. One by one, the images that represent this year were discovered in the hands of charges previously explained and accompanied by a video. The logo was submitted by the Fontanos captain Javi Moscardo and work fester Salva Micó, Captain Moro Cefe Micó us…



The City of Ontinyent, a proposal from the Society festive, proceeded to order the poster of the Moors and Christians 2017 local designer Álvaro Sanchis. The proposal, which was communicated to the Board of the Society last Friday, was completed with the names of who will be the preacher of the Medieval Market which will take place during the six months the festive Juanan Alcaraz; and the responsible parties elaborate…


Orlando Ortega visit the Society festive

On Saturday 17 September the Society festive was visited festive Orlando Ortega, silver medal at the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro and won the Diamond Leage. After breakfast at the Casino Society Festive Orlando along with his father and companions took a tour of the facilities of the Museum Fester. The President of the Society festive, the Museum Director and members of the Governing Board were responsible to show them…