Published the definite schedules for the championships of Bac, Dominó and the Tournament of Futbolí of the Half Year Fester 2025, that will take place this weekend at the headquarters of the Society of Festers. At continuation, detail the schedules:

Great Sports Weekend at the Mig Any Fester 2025
This weekend, the city of Ontinyent experienced an intense sports event with the celebration of the Mig Any Fester 2025 Sports Championships. More than 600 participants from the 24 comparsas enjoyed an atmosphere of camaraderie, sportsmanship, and companionship in a festival that combined a passion for physical activity with festive tradition. Organized by the Societat de Festers del Santíssim Crist de l’Agonia, in collaboration with the Ontinyent City Council, the…

Luis Botella Soler wins the 2024 Festive Photography Contest
The Society of Festeros of the Santísimo Cristo de la Agonía de Ontinyent has announced the winners of the 2024 Festive Photography Contest, an event that annually gathers the best snapshots capturing the essence and passion of our festivities. The jury, composed of Fernando Ramírez Oliver, Francisco Pascual Maestre Martínez, and Víctor Gilabert Montava, with Vicente Conejero Bellver serving as secretary and chronicler of the Society of Festeros, met on…

Time sportive championships of the Half Year Fester 2025
Published the definite schedules for the sportive championships of the Half Year Fester 2025, that will take place this weekend at the sports center. At continuation, detail the schedules of the competitions of soccer, basketball 3×3, pàdel, volleyball and tennis table:

Gunpowder Course 2025
On March 30, 2025, the Gunpowder Course will take place in the assembly hall of the Societat de Festers. This training session is mandatory for those who have not completed the course before and is essential for participating in events involving the use of gunpowder. 📍 Location: Assembly Hall of the Societat de Festers 🕒 Date: March 30, 2025 at 09:00 AM Registration must be done through your respective group…

The Moors and Christians of Ontinyent attract all the gazes at Fitur
The Moors and Christians of Ontinyent attracted the past Saturday all the gazes at the room of the Valencian Community at the International Fair of Tourism FITUR of Madrid. An expedition of 100 persons at two buses fletats for the City council to show the appeals of the parties ontinyentines, expedition of which also took part the charges of the parties of this year; the Joint of Parties; members of…

FITUR will project the first parties of International Tourist Interest of Ontinyent
The City council of Ontinyent will displace this Saturday two buses at the International Fair of Tourism FITUR of Madrid to project those that will be this year Moros’s his first parties and Christians recognised as a of International Tourist Interest. Altogether they go at being 100 persons, including charges of the parties of this year; Joint of Parties; councillors of parties and tourism; members of the Musical Artistic…

The international choreographer and National Prize of Dance Marcos Morau will herald Moros’s Parties and Christians of Ontinyent, and Carmen Más-Arocas, director of world reputed orchestra, ahead of the march die Chimo
The Society of Festers of the very Saint Christ of the Agony desvela with new names of the protagonists of the next edition of the Parties of Moros and Christians: Marcos Morau will be the pregoner and Carmen Más-Arocas will assume the address of the iconic march die Chimo. Both, singled out figures at his areas. Marcos Morau, the pregoner of the arts Awarded with the National prize of Dance of…

Ontinyent gives voice, colour and soul to its 2025 festivities with three names of excellence
The City council of Ontinyent and the Society of Festers announce eagerly the protagonists that will pose voice at the Medieval Market 2025, image and emotion at Moros’s parties and Christians 2025. Máximo Pérez, the trader and fester that will pose voice at the proclamation of the Medieval Market. Antonio Segura “Dulk”, the international artist that will give colour and life at the poster anunciador. Jesús Insa, the realitzador audiovisual…

Valencian Generalitat Presidency grant
Presidency of the Generalitat, by Resolution of 28 October 2024, has granted a direct subsidy to the Society of Festers of the Santíssimo Crist de l’Agonia d’Ontinyent, for the promotion and encouragement of activities of public interest, socio-cultural, economic or humanitarian of the Valencian Community, specifically for the project aimed at the promotion and external projection of the festivals of Moors and Christians of Ontinyent. Publication_DOGV