Program Mig Any Fester

Here are the events and activities that the Societat de Festers has organized for this atypical Mig Any Fester of 2021: From 6 to 26 February : 1st Instagram contest February 13 at 18:30 : Inauguration of the virtual exhibition School Drawing and Literary Contests. February 19 at 19:30 : Streaming conference by Daniel Català Pérez. 20 February at 10:00 : Fornite Championship February 20 at 18:30 : Guided visit…


Rules 1st Instagram Contest

Within the events planned to commemorate the Half Year Fiestero in this atypical year, from the Society of Festeros del Santísimo Cristo de la Agonía of Ontinyent has organized the first Photography Contest of Moors and Christians Festivals in the social network Instagram. The main objective of the contest is to motivate, encourage and excite festive men and women in these difficult times that we are living as a result…


Health Councilor Meeting

The president of the Society of Festivals, together with representatives of the Moors and Christians of Alcoy, Villena and Elda, held a telematic meeting with the Minister of Health of the Generalitat, Ana Barceló, which analyzed the current situation and the possible forecast for the celebration of the festivities. According to Vicent Pla Vaello, the counselor told them that the “situation is complicated” although the Valencian Community “is better than…


Suspension of 2020 Celebrations

Always considering that the most important is and will continue to be to face and overcome the painful health crisis we are suffering, from the Society of Festeros del Santísimo Cristo de la Agonía of Ontinyent have been following a series of actions that were manifested to the communiqué that was issued last April 8, 2020 after consultation with the members of the Governing Board representing the 24 comparsas, and…

Nuria Aceta i Maria Rosario Llinares

Promotional Video Festivities 2020

Nuria Aceta i Maria Rosario Llinares authors of the promotional video The City Council of Ontinyent, at the suggestion of the Society of Festeros del Santísimo Cristo de la Agonía, commissioned the editing of the promotional video of the Moors and Christians of 2020 to Nuria Aceta and Maria Rosario Llinares. With over 32 years of experience in the world of audiovisual communication, Foto Flash 2 is a company created…

José Luis Castells Arques

José Luis Castells will be the Town Crier of the 2020 Medieval Market

The Town Hall and the Sociedad de Festeros name the medieval town crier José Luis Castells. This user of the Projecte Trèvol has been a member of the Cruzados group since 1995 Ontinyent City Council, at the proposal of the Society of Festeros del Santísimo Cristo de la Agonía, has appointed  José Luis Castells Arques as the Town Crier of the Medieval Market. The mayor of Ontinyent, Jorge Rodríguez, accompanied…


Albert Quiñones will design the Party Poster

The young illustrator and graphic designer is in charge of posing the image to the cry of the Party. The Ontinyent City Council, at the proposal of the Society of Festeros of the Holy Christ of the Agony, commissioned the Poster of the Moors and Christians Festivities of 2020 to the local designer Albert Quiñones Borredà (Ontinyent, 1981). He is an illustrator and graphic and textile designer. A young festive…

Jaume Blai Santonja

Jaume Blai Santonja will direct Chimo

The young director will conduct the festive hymn on the afternoon of Thursday, August 20, after the Entrada de Bandas. Jaume Blai Santonja Espinós was born in Bocairent in 1986 and began his studies in Ontinyent, at the Josep Melcior Gomis professional conservatory and, more specifically, in percussion. Later, he continued his higher degree in music in Barcelona, at the ESMuC and completed it with a master’s degree in percussion…

Llibre Festes 2019

The Book of Festivals of 2019, awarded with 3,500 euros

The Regional Ministry awards the fourth prize to the Festeros Society. The Department of Education, Research, Culture and Sport of the Generalitat Valenciana has awarded the Society of Ontinyent Festeros and specifically in the book of festivals 2019 the fourth prize for best publication in the field of festive of the Valencian Community. This recognition also means a prize of 3,500 euros. This competition opened by the Ministry evaluated criteria…