Festeros acquires a ground floor for use as a warehouse

Foto Adquisició local
23 December, 2019

The property is located in the call Arquebisbe Segrià, in front of the Societat de Festers building The Festeros Society has acquired a ground floor in order to free up the main building (where the Festero Museum and the administration offices are located) for use as a warehouse. The premises are located at 30 Arzobispo Segrià Street, in front of the Sociedad de Festeros. It is a newly built ground…


Rafael Ferrero, town crier of the Moors and Christians celebrations of Lleida 2020

Rafael Ferrero Terol
4 November, 2019

The honorary president of the Festeros Society of Ontinyent will live the event on May 2 on the 25th anniversary of the feast of Lleida. Next May, Lleida celebrates the 25th anniversary of its Moors and Christians Festivals and for this celebration, the Catalan festeros have named the onteniense Rafael Ferrero Terol as town crier. Rafa Ferrero was president of the Sociedad de Festeros between 2008 and 2011. Among other…


The gunpowder problem is transferred to the Ministry of Industry

Reunió Ministeri
31 October, 2019

In a meeting with the presidents of several cities where Fiestas de Moros y Cristianos are held have raised improvements in the rules of arcabucería. The president of the Sociedad de Festeros del Santísimo Cristo de la Agonía, Vicente Pla, went to Madrid on Friday 25 October, together with the presidents of Yecla, Elda, Caudete, Almansa and Villena representing the platform “Pueblos de la Pólvora” to a meeting at the…


Granted subsidy works roof Main Hall

23 October, 2019

By Decree 9559 dated 08/07/2019 the Provincial Council of Valencia has agreed to grant a grant to the Sociedad de Festeros del Santísimo Cristo de la Agonía, for an amount of € 20,000, for the demolition of the roof and air conditioning ducts of the main hall of the headquarters and the placement of a new roof.


The Periòdic d’Ontinyent donates a collection of La Fiesta supplements to the Festeros Society

Donació Periodic
5 September, 2019

The President of the Festeros Society, Vicente Pla Vaello, has received from Vicente Soriano Mateo, manager of the Ontinyent Communication Projects company, the publishing company of El Periódico de Ontinyent, a complete collection of the extraordinary supplements edited by the local newspaper from 1996 dedicated to the Moors and Christians of Ontinyent. The delivery has been carried out in the boardroom of the Festeros Society and the director of El…


The Sociedad de Festeros collaborates with ADIEM

20 June, 2019

Every year there will be a financial contribution destined to some of the charities of Ontinyent. The Governing Board of the Ontinyent Festeros Society has approved to allocate an economic collection to the association ADIEM, the Association for the defense and integration of the mentally ill. This money comes from the collection made by the Society of Festeros due to the sanctions established in the Eighth Title of the Regulations…


The Sociedad de Festeros organizes a second course of the Powder

3 May, 2019

It will take place next June 9 in the Assembly Hall of the Society of Festeros. The Society of Festeros of the Santísimo Christ of the Agony along with the City council of Ontinyent have organized a second gratuitous course on the use of muzzle-loading and powder guns that will take place next Sunday, June 9, to the Assembly Hall of the Society of Festeros de 09.00 to 14.00. and…