Town crier for the 2023 festivities

20 January, 2023

The Governing Board of the Society of Festeros, at the proposal of its president, has appointed Toni Morales Ferrero, born in Ontinyent, as the Town Crier of the Moors and Christians Festivities of 2023. Moorish Captain for the Comparsa Abencerrajes, in 2004. Member of the Governing Board of the Society of Festeros del Santísimo Cristo de la Agonía between 2002 and 2014, in which he held several positions, such as…


Director march Chimo 2023

17 January, 2023

The Governing Board of the Society of Festeros, at the proposal of the president to commissioned Lidón Valer Cabaleiro the direction of the Moorish march Chimo. She began her musical studies with the piano, obtaining the Professional Piano Title, Superior Title of Percussion, the Diploma Mestre Ed. Infantile and Catalan Language and the Superior Course of Management of Musical Societies. During the academic year 2002 – 2003, he began his…


Poster designer for the 2023 festivities

17 January, 2023

The City Council of Ontinyent at the proposal of the Society of Festeros has commissioned the realization of the Poster of Fiestas 2023 to Xeles Tortosa Mora. Degree in Fine Arts at the Faculty of San Carlos of the UPV in 2000. She is currently a high school and secondary school teacher, specializing in Drawing at the Josep Segrelles High School in Albaida. She teaches Technical Drawing I and II…


Promotional Video Party 2023

17 December, 2022

Because of his international career in the audiovisual world, the City Council of Ontinyent, at the suggestion of the Society of Festeros del Santísimo Cristo de la Agonía, has commissioned Joan Albero Casanova to make the promotional video of the Fiestas de Moros y Cristianos de Ontinyent. After studying Audiovisual Communication at the Universitat Politècnica de València and doing his Erasmus in the Netherlands, Albero’s audiovisual skills conquered the Dutch…


Pregonero Mercado Medieval 2023

17 December, 2022

Given his festive trajectory, the City Council of Ontinyent, at the proposal of the Society of Festeros del Santísimo Cristo de la Agonía, has appointed José Donat Ureña as town crier of the Medieval Market for the next 2023. Bucanero since 1985, José Donat entered the Governing Board of the Society of Festeros as a representative of his comparsa seven years later. He then held the position of Secretary of…


Winners 2nd Instagram Competition

14 September, 2022

We already have the winners of the Second Instagram Competition. From the Societat de Festers we want to thank all the participants, as there have been many and of very good quality photographs submitted. Category: Acte de l’Entrada Category: Els nostres actes Category: Sentiment Fester


Gunpowder course

19 March, 2022

On the 3rd of April a gunpowder course will be held in the auditorium of the Societat de Festers. Registration should be made through the comparsa or directly to the Societat de Festers ( Please remember that this training day is for those who have not done it before


Conference “Festivity, Sport and Motivation” by David Meca

17 January, 2022

Next Saturday 5th February, coinciding with the start of the Mig Any Fester events, the conference “Festivity, Sport and Motivation” will be given by the 8 times world champion David Meca It is difficult to get used to the fact that everything revolves around the pandemic that has disrupted our lives, both individual and social, where any project and initiative is conditioned, so the Societat de Festers has organized this…


Town crier Festivities 2022

Susana Sanz Caballero
23 December, 2021

Susana Sanz Caballero The Governing Board of the Society of Festeros, at the proposal of its president, has appointed Susana Sanz Caballero, professor of International Public Law at the CEU Cardenal Herrera University of Valencia, as the Town Crier for the Moors and Christians festivities of 2022. Susana Sanz was appointed by the Ministry of Justice as an ad hoc judge of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), based…