Pregoner Festivities 2019



Born in Ontinyent in 1970, with a journalistic vocation since he was very young, in 1993 he graduated in Information Sciences from the Faculty of Journalism of CEU San Pablo-Universitat Politècnica de València.

Since then he went through different newsrooms to train for the trade: Crónica magazine, the Canarias 7 newspaper of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, the news services of Radio Activa in Ontinyent, the newspaper Ciudad de Alcoi … until December 1995 was one of the founders of El Periòdic d’Ontinyent and director of the head office, position that has maintained until the present time. Together with the newspaper Ciudad de Alcoi, he launched and directed the edition of the business magazine “Innovación para los comarcas de Mariola”.

Among other journalistic projects that he has undertaken in his professional career, the creation of the Association of the Valencian Regional Press, in 2015, an entity of which he has been secretary from the moment of its foundation.

His link in the Moro-christian festival goes through some years of militancy to the Christian comparsa of the Cides, at the beginning of the 90s, but, above all, as a journalist who has written the chronicle of each festive edition since 1996. More than twenty years raising record of the evolution of the world of the celebration of the Moors and Christians, of the positions and of the institution that is behind, the Sociedad de Festeros. In addition, from its publishing company has created different informative products specialized in our party par excellence, among them the annual publication of the “Extra de Moros i Cristians de El Periòdic d’Ontinyent” and the extraordinary editions linked to the parties, such as “El Periòdic de l’Entrada”. It has also launched some original initiatives such as the collectibles “Ontinyent: Memòria Gràfica de les Festes” or “Els Cartells de la Festa” which had the vocation of being cultural contributions to value the history and identity of the festive manifestation more important that our city has.

For some years, under the direction of Rafael Ferrero Terol, he collaborated in the script of the presentation of the Fees charges prior to the Pregón. In recent years, through the digital audio-visual platform “Gent de les Comarques”, he has participated in the live broadcast of some of the most representative acts, including the first transmission of the Band of Music Tickets and the collective interpretation of the march mora ‘Chimo’.

Regarding his appointment as preacher of the Fiestas of 2019, he affirms that it is “a pride and a great responsibility”, while underlining “my respect for all the people who have proclaimed and proclaimed the party from 1960 to the present. I hope to be at your height “. As a declaration of intentions, he advances that he will try to “communicate and convey what many people of Ontinyent share, the deep appreciation for our people, from the plurality and the different ways of understanding it, of living it and of dreaming it”.