Once past the holidays, in which emerge feelings, and where reforza¬mos relations and seek the aná¬lisis and conclusions lived a year, also come times when, well accommodated in the heat hogare¬ño, close your eyes and stay medi¬tando, that is asleep and dreaming.
You begin to see the Plaça de Baix in full summer months to atarde¬cer, sitting with friends Prawn and in the middle of the table snacks. At the right time, apa¬rece the Porronet, always cheerful and overflowing ím¬petu. We also have the oldest of the place, not by age, but by conviction, they begin to move the SABLE. More mature, for wisdom of the party, they know respect and looking at his TURBAN arma¬rio and ESPINDARGA. The sunset view is dark and the sky is blue and pure, alive and in men¬te you imagine Tuareg men and women who do not stop moving. In the darkness, we are fortunate that there MITJA LLUNA, following resplendent in cons¬tante joy and youth. And as I said the cantan¬te: give us nine and ten ONCE comes with its unique sparkle and appetite for laughs, like many others, are on track and guided by sailors have been working as REM.
Many conversations feste¬ros acts: memories of the teacher and the latest Cer¬vino embassies and, of course, the always funny expression rejoicing with his gun Sentinel Matamoros, whose only weapons are the words used, which leads all respect for the art capital of this act. As po¬día not be otherwise, at the end of bo¬cadillos always hear the same cry services: SARA-MATA of timonet and herberet, reflecting conti¬nuada joy and finished dinner, the most jó ¬venes and lose their fear and their parents always say the same can¬ción. DUS-MAMA-DUS, and does not seem bad way to reclaim something we’ve all done on occasion.
But the joy springs immediately when you wake up from sleep. We are in the Mig Any: the party starts now.
We have a new challenge within FAMILY Abencerraje that debe¬mos assume responsibility. Each of us will bring traba¬jo, illusions and largely senti¬mientos and sensations that comple¬tarán with a high level of collective demand to once again nues¬tra mora-Christian party a success.
Therefore, Abencerrages debe¬mos BELIEVE to create. CREATE fe¬licidad that can not be bought, only happiness pue¬de share and enjoy.
ENJOY, ONTINYENT, which es¬tas parties have all ingredien¬tes: excitement, thrills, excitement, warmth and a very special audience.
MIG ANY enjoy and contagie¬mos all of what is about to come.