
Primer Tro

Joan Barberà Pla


Ricardo Jorge Montés Oviedo


Miguel Revert Ferrero


Francisco L. Gil Conejero


Maribel Jiménez Gandía

Data of interest

The current Crusaders appeared in 1973, with their founding nucleus being the “Peña el Ancla” of the Comparsa de Sailors. At first they tried to be admitted to the party with the name “Musketeers” but it was not accepted. It is one of the few troupes that preserves its founding costume, which was designed by Miguel Lapiedra, at that time a member of the troupe and a student of Fine Arts. It highlights simplicity and austerity with two dominant shades: white and red. As a badge, it features a single cross on the chest and the coat of arms of each crusader’s lineage embroidered on the cape.

On the verge of its 50th anniversary, the Crusaders troupe is made up of 73 children no older than 13 years old, mainly children, nephews and grandchildren of the current Crusaders, and 81 adult members who form five squads: The “Som Els Que” squads Som” and the “Peña el Mig” are those that are mainly made up of founders and components attached to the troupe since the first years of the existence of the Crusaders. The “Templados” squad, which has been in the troupe since 2011 and is the one to which the 2022 Portaguión belongs. The “Penya La Paella” squad, which has been fully formed since 2004 and this year dresses at the entrance with a suit of unique belonging from “El Molinar” (Alcoy), and finally the “Penya la Podà”, which in rotating rotation is the official squad and “First Troop of 2020-22” in the festive Assumpta Gil Conejero, to whom the march was dedicated Christian “Assumpta” in the 2020 “Mig any” concert series and that for the first time, two and a half years later, is played in the entrance parade performed by the Montaverner Artistic Cultural Band, the official band of the Crusaders since 1988.

Music for the Cruzados

· “Marxa dels Creuats”
(M.C. – 1989) J.M. Valls Satorres


· “El Cruzárabe”
(Pd. – 1989) J.M. Valls Satorres


· “25 anys”
(M.C. – 1997) J.M. Valls Satorres


· “Creu d’Arsuf”
(M.C. – 2003) J.R. Pascual Vilaplana


· “Odràcir”
(M.C. – 2011) J.R. Pascual Vilaplana


· “Akitania”
(M.C. – 2015) S. Gómez i Soler


· “La Llegenda d’En Ragra”
(M.C. – 2018) J.B. Santonja Espinós


· “Aegidius”
(M.C. – 2019) F. Nadal Canales


· “Assumpta”
(M.C. – 2020) F. Nadal Canales


· “Mare i Fill”
(Pd – 2023) I. Ferrero Gandía


· “L’Ordre de l’Aliança”
(M.C – 2023) V. Pérez Esteban


· “Hierusalem”
(Ballet – 2023) E. Orquín Aleixandre