IV Instagram Contest #MicOnti24

From the Societat de Festers del Santíssim Crist de la Agonía of Ontinyent has organized the fourth Photography Contest of Moors and Christians Festivities in the social network Instagram. The main objective of the contest is to show through the image, the values of the Moors and Christians Festival of Ontinyent and make visible its essence, the environment, the atmosphere of brotherhood and the special atmosphere of this cultural manifestation…


Cabos de Escuadra children’s school 2024

The Society of Celebrators of the Santísimo Cristo de la Agonía organizes the Children’s Squad Leaders School every year, for all boys and girls, between the ages of 7 and 13, who wish to participate. The school will consist of learning the basic aspects of a squad leader in all modalities: Christian march, Moorish march and pasodoble, as well as the control, guidance and formation of the squad and the…


Director Chimo 2024

The Governing Board of the Societat de Festers, at the request of the president, entrusted Rafa García Vidal with the direction of the Marxa Mora Chimo. Rafa García Vidal begins his musical studies in Alfarrasí, his native town, where he becomes part of the Musical Instructional Band of this town. He later obtained the title of Superior Professor of Clarinet at the Oscar Esplá Superior Conservatory in Alicante. But it…