Reporteros graficos

Graphic media protocol Fiestas 2019

The Festival belongs to the people and to the people, so they present the basis for regulating the work of graphic media during the events of the Festival of Moors and Christians in Ontinyent. Being clear that there is the right to information, we have to put the common eye on mutual respect between people. If the public cannot enjoy the show that is offered, if the party cannot participate…


Canvi data Publicació de Festes

The act moves with full consensus just one month before: June 29 The governing board of the Ontinyent Festeros Society, under the chairmanship of Vicent Pla Vaello, has put forward its first major proposal. In addition, it has done so with the unanimity of the 24 comparsas, who have given their full support to the change of the publication date. This year will move to June 29. The idea, proposed…

Santiago Sanchis Mullor

Pregoner Festivities 2019

SANTIAGO SANCHIS MULLOR   Born in Ontinyent in 1970, with a journalistic vocation since he was very young, in 1993 he graduated in Information Sciences from the Faculty of Journalism of CEU San Pablo-Universitat Politècnica de València. Since then he went through different newsrooms to train for the trade: Crónica magazine, the Canarias 7 newspaper of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, the news services of Radio Activa in Ontinyent, the…

Jordi Sempere

Promotional Video 2019

The City of Ontinyent, on the proposal of the Society of Festeros, has commissioned Jordi Sempere to carry out the video that has to promote the Festival of Moors and Christians of Ontinyent in 2019. Both the mayor of Ontinyent, Jorge Rodríguez, and the president of the Society of Festeros, Vicent Pla, have highlighted the professionalism of Sempere because it will continue to promote the party, in audiovisual format, not…


Ecovidrio Campaign

The Reconquest of Glass, an initiative launched by Ecovidrio, a non-profit entity in charge of managing the recycling of glass containers in Spain, in collaboration with the Generalitat Valenciana, the City of Ontinyent and the Society of Festeros del Santísimo Cristo de la Agonia, recover 6,500 kg of glass containers, equivalent to 24,700 containers, during the festivities of Moors and Christians in the containers assigned to the campaign. This has…


Misa de Dobla Purísima

The Society of Festive of the Santísimo Christ of the Agony, headed by its president and accompanied by the positions of 2019 have participated in one of the emblematic acts that mark the calendar of the Patron Saint Festivities dedicated to the Puríssima Concepción, such as the Misa de Dobla in honor of the excellent canonical patron saint of Ontinyent. At the end of the ceremony, the offices of the Moors…

Aguinaldo 2018

Aguinaldo de la Purísima

On Saturday, December 15, the president of the Sociedad de Festeros along with the 2019 positions received the retinue of the Aguinaldo de la Purísima. As is already tradition, D. Juan Melchor Seguí Sarrió asked the president of the Society of Festeros: “Songs or Responses?” To which he responded: “Songs, for the joy that supposes to receive here, in the Society of Festeros, La Purísima Concepción. Responses, for the deceased…

Dissenyador Cartell Festes Miguel Angel Bonilla

Designer Poster Festes 2019

Last Monday, December 3, the Municipality of Ontinyent, at the proposal of the Society of Festivals, has commissioned the poster of the Celebrations of Moors and Christians of 2019 to the local designer Miguel Ángel Bonilla Sanchez. Born in 1978, he develops his professional work as a graphic designer and illustrator. He is a member of the Font d’Art Board of Ontinyent. In his artistic side, his pictorial work must be…

Vicente Domingo Tormo Vidal

Pregoner Medieval Market 2018

Ontinyent City Council, at the proposal of the Society of Festeros, has proceeded to name as Pregoner of the Medieval Market the festive Gusmà Vicente Domingo Tormo Vidal. Festive of Comparsa Gusmans, being Primer Tro in 2008, has been part of the Board of the comparsa for several years, has been a representative on the Board of Government of the Sociedad del Santísimo Cristo de la Agonia by the comparsa…


Municipal Grant Concession 2018

By means of Decree of Mayorship no. 2954/2018, of November 23, the Most Excellent Municipality of Ontinyent has granted a municipal grant of € 24,000 for the entity’s global activity and patrimonial recovery allowing a surplus to the limit of liabilities reduced in l the 2018 financial year