In the following link you can see and download the circular corresponding to the Call for the General Electoral Assembly on November 10, 2024. Summons General Electoral Assembly 10-11-24

Ontinyent City Council subsidy
The excellent Ontinyent City Council has granted a municipal subsidy of €20,000 for the recovery activity of the Old Alardos of Ontinyent parades.

Wallpaper for your mobile
You can now enjoy a wallpaper of your troupe. Thanks to the collaboration of Gonzalo Gironés, the author of the 2024 poster, in the Multimedia section of this website, you can download the wallpapers of the 24 troupes of our festivities. You can access the section by clicking here.

Graphic media protocol for Holidays 2024
The Festival is of the people and for the people, that is why they present the bases to regulate the work of the graphic media during the events of the Moors and Christians Festival of Ontinyent. Being clear that there is the right to information, we have to focus our common view on mutual respect between people. If the public cannot enjoy the show on offer, if the revelers cannot…

Sale of Chairs and Grandstand Seats for the Entrance
Since last July 31, seats and seats in the stands for the day of entry have been on sale. The sale will be made online through the page In it you can find the location plan, as well as the different prices. Their in-person sale will be on Monday, August 19 and Tuesday, August 20 at the Museu Fester.

IV Instagram Contest #MicOnti24
From the Societat de Festers del Santíssim Crist de la Agonía of Ontinyent has organized the fourth Photography Contest of Moors and Christians Festivities in the social network Instagram. The main objective of the contest is to show through the image, the values of the Moors and Christians Festival of Ontinyent and make visible its essence, the environment, the atmosphere of brotherhood and the special atmosphere of this cultural manifestation…

Rules and registration 2024 photography contest
Below we leave you the download links for both the photography contest rules and registration. Photography Contest Rules Photography contest registration

Cabos de Escuadra children’s school 2024
The Society of Celebrators of the Santísimo Cristo de la Agonía organizes the Children’s Squad Leaders School every year, for all boys and girls, between the ages of 7 and 13, who wish to participate. The school will consist of learning the basic aspects of a squad leader in all modalities: Christian march, Moorish march and pasodoble, as well as the control, guidance and formation of the squad and the…