Presentation Year J.J. Cervino

Friday 12 May, the headquarters of the Society of the Festive Holy Christ of Agony welcomed the presentation of the Matterhorn Year declared by the City of Ontinyent proposed Society festive homage in the year of its 200th anniversary, the writer and jurist Joaquín José Cervino, author of embassies Ontinyent. The event served to present the logo and the program of activities of this initiative, was attended by 24 of…


Powdered Information Meeting

On 28 April, a conference was held by the Civil Guard To the Society of Festeros Santísimo Christ of the Agony of Ontinyent, in the Of the said Society, located in C / Plaza de Baix, 30 of the town of Ontinyent The conference was the first speaker of the Intervention of the IAE of Xàtiva, accompanied by the Deputy Lieutenant of the Company of Xàtiva andPart of the Society…


Recognition Society festive to bet on energy saving

The City Ontinyent made a public recognition of the Society festive Holy Christ of Agony for its commitment to energy savings. The Councilor for Sustainability, accompanied by Councilman Jaime Patricia Folgueras Perez, gave a plaque to the President of the organization, José Rafael Sanchis, the change in LED technology executed at the Museum Fester executed with the help of the Provincial Council of Valencia.   This change has resulted in…


20 years of collaboration between the Society and the Festive Opera Ballet.

Festive Society of the Holy Christ of Agony Opera and Ballet Ontinyent celebrate 20 years of collaboration made, jointly Proclamation of the Moors and Christians in the city. The first proclamation Festival Opera where he collaborated with festive was in 1997 with the Symphony of the Christian Moro Mestre Ferrero, who was a great success. Since that 1997 continues to be reissued each year this collaboration with a composition and…


Greets President

Dear Friends festive, again we prepare to celebrate Half year 2017 and we do it with the same enthusiasm and the same eagerness. The Board I chair that you want to convey a message of optimism, friendship and harmony among all those who form this great family fiesta. This year will repeat the Medieval Market in February with the confidence that the success which had passed last year, thanks to…


Greets capitan cristiano

It’s been half a year since we got to our “Morenet” to Santa Ana. The parties are excited again, the festive atmosphere begins to reborn and we begin to count the days that remain so that rumors and squads fill our streets with joy and celebration . Before arriving at the days marked in our calendars, we are left to enjoy this Mig Any, and live every act as it…


Greetings Captain Moro

Consumed good part of this year so important for us, starts the “Mig Any” with what it means for the city of Ontinyent in general and for the morocristian world in particular. Ahead of another six intense months that will lead us to the Big Week, on a warm night of the last Friday in August. Without realizing it, someone will proclaim those magic words: “avant kábilas, avant”. At that…


Ambassador Christian flag and salutes.

Half Year is approaching and during days the succession of events such as sports competitions, school competitions, the medieval market, concerts and of course, the parade and soparet with the band, we will remember all festive, party and people in general in Ontinyent, in the month of August, we celebrate a festival of Moors and Christians, of course, for all of us, are the largest, genuine and full of feeling….


Ambassador greets flag Moro

Here once there was a gang of girls, “Berber cradle”, which in 1990 began to go out to parties. That group, in a short time, was called “Rock The First”, and that they were the first women blackberries to leave our party. As you can imagine, this rock is ours, and it is the same as the 2015 celebrates its 25th anniversary. at that time, none of us as we…


Echappées Belles

The French public TV channel France 5 broadcast on Saturday 10 December the previous report on the preparations and organization of our Moors and Christians in the program Echappées Fine, whose images were recorded between Thursday 25 and Friday 26 August in our city, giving special attention to the actions of the Entrance Band Tickets and Moors and Christians. It is a space of 90-minute weekly broadcast on this channel…