
Primer Tro

Maria Campos Micó


Mª Carmen Sanz Penadés


Elena Satorre Gil


Inmaculada Ferrero Penadés


Marta Galbis Giner

Data of interest

Troupe that started the festivities in 1860 and took its name from the atmosphere of euphoria due to the Spanish triumphs in the military campaigns in Morocco, the authentic origin of our festivities.

For years it was the largest troupe and the one with the most relevant people at the party. From there came many groups that went on to found and/or be part of other troupes. With the Smugglers they star in Smuggling at noon on the holiday Saturday.

Since its inception, the gala suit has undergone some changes, but it has always been linked to the clothing used in the Navy. In 1986 a change was made trying to return to the original clothing and in 1995 it changed again taking a more historical model with a purely sailor basis.

They wear a tricorn style hat, a blue sailor suit with white lapels and a red scarf; red sash, white pants, black boots and the classic shovel.

Music for the Marineros

· “Als Mariners d’Ontinyent”

(Pd. – 1965) B. Adam Ferrero


· “Bonus Cristianus”

(M.C. – 1966) J. M. Ferrero Pastor


· “Mariners d’Ontinyent”
(M.C. – 1990) M.A. Sarrió Nadal


· “Luorgi”
(M.C. – 1998) E. Gironés Penadés


· “Manolo, el Carnisser”
(M.C. – 2001) O. Sempere Francés


· “Avant Mónica i Maica”
(M.C. – 2004) D. J. Ferrero Silvage


· “Nereidae”
(Pd. – 2005) M. Gandía Conejero


· “Paki Martí”
(Pd. – 2006) D. J. Ferrero Silvage


· “Llebeig”
(M.C. – 2010) S. Gómez i Soler


· “La Rosa dels Vents”
(M.C. – 2016) F. Sanchis Gandía


· “Posidònia”
(M.C. – 2019) R. Soriano Ureña


· “Kukaleta”
(MC – 2023) H. Mas Boluda