Director Chimo 2024

The Governing Board of the Societat de Festers, at the request of the president, entrusted Rafa García Vidal with the direction of the Marxa Mora Chimo.

Rafa García Vidal begins his musical studies in Alfarrasí, his native town, where he becomes part of the Musical Instructional Band of this town. He later obtained the title of Superior Professor of Clarinet at the Oscar Esplá Superior Conservatory in Alicante. But it is in the field of conducting that his training stands out the most, being qualified in the specialty of Conducting by the Joaquín Rodrigo Superior Conservatory of Valencia. In addition, he studied directing in Spain and Italy with teachers such as Rafael Sánchez Mombiedro, Jan Cober, José Rafael Pascual-Vilaplana, Eugene Corporon, Carlo Pirola or Felix Hauswirth.

Throughout his professional career he has worked as a conductor with both amateur and professional choirs, orchestras and bands in Europe and South America, being principal director of the Musical Union of Montitxelvo, the Musical Union of Aldaia, the Societat Musical Banyeres de Mariola, the Musical Society of the Llosa de Ranes, Regional Youth Band of the Vall d’Albaida, Youth Symphonic Band of the FSMCV and the Musical Union of Muro.

In the teaching field, he has taught management courses in Spain, Italy and Colombia. Likewise, in his artistic catalog we can find different recordings with different formations, obtaining the Euterpe Prize for the best musical production awarded by the Federation of Musical Societies of the Valencian Community for the Paco Esteve “Homage” CD, in addition to the first two prizes obtained in the 1st Section of the 130th International Competition of Music Bands “City of Valencia”, and in the XX International Competition “Flicorno d’Oro” of Riva del Garda (Italy), both with the Unió Musical de Muro.

He currently holds the position of musical director of the instrumental ensemble Eclèctic Grup and of the Santa Cecília Musical Society of Guadassuar. He is a member of the “National Association of Band Directors”, and professor of conducting at the Superior Conservatory of Music of Castilla-La Mancha.