Promotional Video Party 2023

17 December, 2022

Because of his international career in the audiovisual world, the City Council of Ontinyent, at the suggestion of the Society of Festeros del Santísimo Cristo de la Agonía, has commissioned Joan Albero Casanova to make the promotional video of the Fiestas de Moros y Cristianos de Ontinyent. After studying Audiovisual Communication at the Universitat Politècnica de València and doing his Erasmus in the Netherlands, Albero’s audiovisual skills conquered the Dutch…


Pregonero Mercado Medieval 2023

17 December, 2022

Given his festive trajectory, the City Council of Ontinyent, at the proposal of the Society of Festeros del Santísimo Cristo de la Agonía, has appointed José Donat Ureña as town crier of the Medieval Market for the next 2023. Bucanero since 1985, José Donat entered the Governing Board of the Society of Festeros as a representative of his comparsa seven years later. He then held the position of Secretary of…