Every year there will be a financial contribution destined to some of the charities of Ontinyent.
The Governing Board of the Ontinyent Festeros Society has approved to allocate an economic collection to the association ADIEM, the Association for the defense and integration of the mentally ill. This money comes from the collection made by the Society of Festeros due to the sanctions established in the Eighth Title of the Regulations of the entity for the breach by the festeros or the Comparsas of the provisions of the Festival Regulations, in the Statutes of the Company, as well as the failure to comply with the decisions taken in the Board of Governors or in the General Assembly of Members.It is a commitment that comes from the previous legislature, whereby the amount of sanctions is given to a charity of Ontinyent. On this occasion, the one chosen by the board of directors has been the ADIEM.
The government team headed by its president, Vicente Pla Vaello, undertook to allocate the amount of sanctions to comparsas for breaking the regulation, to charitable causes. At the meeting of the Governing Board held on June 7, it was proposed that the donation be destined to ADIEM, which was approved. “This is an acquired commitment that is part of the corporate social responsibility plan of the entity we are developing,” said the president.
In addition, the Governing Board has established that each year the amount of the sanctions be allocated to a different charity.
The Association for the Defense and Integration of the Mentally Ill (ADIEM) is a non-profit and social association that began in 1995. A group of relatives of people with chronic mental illness was born from the concerns to respond to the needs of this group beyond pharmacological and eventually hospital treatment, to achieve better integration in the community, while also the family members themselves could receive the necessary support.