Presentation Logos

On Saturday, October 20, in the Assembly Hall of the Society of Festeros, the presentation of the heraldry that will accompany the four comparsas de cargo 2019 took place throughout this exciting year that awaits them.

One by one, the images that will represent them this year were discovered by the hand of the charges and were later explained by their authors.

The logo of the Asturs was presented by its Captain, Gabriel Ferre and is the work of the festero Juanvi Martínez, Ruben Montava and Vicent X. Vila, Ambassador and Christian flagbearer discovered the logo drawn up by the same ambassador. Captain Moro Angel Torregrosa unveiled his emblem for this year in which the Saudis hold the captaincy, the work of Laura Ferrero. As for the Chanos comparsa the Moro Ambassador, Jose Luis Belda, together with the Abanderado, Jose Luis Azorin, they discovered us the image that the festero Juanvi Martinez has elaborated.

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